Dugan Pretends He's A People!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Dugan the Dog is pleased to lend his support to his new Irish friends. We wish them well and hope they have great success in their new business, The Irish Wolfhound Restaurant & Pub at 16811 N Litchfield Rd, Surprise, AZ 85374

Much has been said lately about these difficult economic times we are in. In the true spirit of generosity and helpfulness, Dugan the Dog cheerfully gives his support to the opening of a new business in the Phoenix metro area. The Irish Wolfhound Restaurant & Pub has opened it doors for business in Surprise, Arizona. Check out their website at irishwolfhoundpub.com The hounds of the Desert Irish Wolfhound Association converged on the restaurant for their Grand Opening. Dugan and all of the other Wolfhounds really enjoyed themselves as they met and mingled with the fine and friendly folks there. If you are around the northwest Phoenix metro area, drop in for a great dining experience. If you are not around that neighborhood, it will be worth the trip anyway. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

The owners, (real Irish folks), ceremoniously cut the ribbon to open their new business. As I understand, the dog pictured here is the model for the painting on the floor of the foyer as seen a couple of pictures down. This dog has an Irish name that I cannot pronounce even if I could remember it!

This lady was so amazed at the size and gentle demenor of Dugan. The lady in the background says she is Irish, but is terrified of dogs! Too bad for her, Dugan wanted to love her up.

The foyer in the entrance of the Irish Wolfhound Restaurant & Pub has a life size painting of one of the owners Irish Wolfhound. Dugan illustrates it is a good likeness of his breed.

Some people are a little reserved about making the aquaintance of such a large dog. Little do they know, they are standing at the most dangerous end of Dugan!

Dugan the Dog looks on as a real Irish man greets an Irish Wolfhound!

Dugan sneaks a kiss on a pretty girl. That is the sly kind of dog he is!

Wow! This Irish Wolfhound is 10 years old! Considering the typical lifespan of an Irish Wolfhound, I figure he is about 100 years old in people years!

Dugan makes friends with one of the big guys who work at the restaurant.

As is the tradition with the Irish, Dugan celebrates this special occasion by hitting the bottle!

Dugan makes new friends with a pretty girl and an Irish Wolfhound simultaneously (and at the same time too).

It may seem odd, but Irish Wolfhounds are not all that impressed with each other. After a few seconds of the "ritual" circling & butt sniffing, they accept each other matter of factly.

Dugan takes a break in front of the patio area.

As seen in the 4 pictures above, Dugan is extra fond of kids!

The Irish Wolfhound Restaurant & Pub invited the Desert Irish Wolfhound Association to their Grand Opening. We were pleased with the invitation and to lend our support!